• Question: Why are some people born with a damaged brain? Is there a seperate part of the brain cell for knowledge? To what extent can the brain stop working before you die?

    Asked by nwright to Ben, James, Jen, Michael, Susanna on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      When people are born with brain damage generally it’s because of a genetic problems, and a complication of the way they developed while growing inside the womb. Or perhaps it can happen when a baby is being born and they run out of oxygen which can make brain cells die quite quickly. Fortunately, both of these things are extremely rare.

      Knowledge as we think of it involves many different parts of the brain itself working together in harmony, not a particular part of the cell necessarily.

      The brain can indeed stop working before you die, for many different reasons. Someone may have had an accident that damaged part of their brain, or suffered from dementia that means the brain cells die very slowly and a very small number at a time, but also remember that they could even have abused alcohol or drugs which can cause a small number of brain cells to die!
