• Question: What is "thought"?

    Asked by totaldestruction to Ben, James, Jen, Michael, Susanna on 13 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 13 Mar 2013:

      A long time ago the Greeks actually believed that thought was located in the heart! Since they understood that this was the part of the body that meant the person died if it stopped working. Nowadays we tend to think of the brain as the seat of the mind, and our thoughts take place here as part of the communication between the millions of brain cells (neurons).

      Thought is generally considered the electrical activities of neurons or brain cells that cau us to think. Or ability to think is developed over time from when we are children, and alot of our thinking tends to be taught at school so be thankful for your teachers! Thinking takes place all over the brain but specific thoughts happen in specific places. For example, if you wanted to move your thinking would happen on either side of your brain about half-way back at the top – the movement areas. Or if you were thinking about what you were looking at then you’d be thinking with the very back of your brain, the visual area, just above the neck!
