• Question: What is the most bizarre science thing you have done

    Asked by esther4367 to James, Jen on 22 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Hi esther

      This is a very good question! And I can’t think of a good answer! 😮 I think really for me it was the brain dissection, knowing that it was a human brain that had once travelled around inside someone for like sixty years was just bizarre. The gentleman had donated his brain to science so he knew it was going to happen and I felt comfortable with it but holding the thing that makes us human was just incredible.

      Otherwise I’d have to say the most bizarre thing was seeing an MRI scan for the first time. We created an experiment using an MRI scanner and I got to go in and have my brain scanned to trial it and seeing the inside of my own brain for the very first time was completely bizarre, now I know exactly what my whole brain looks like and it’s really quite funny – you can even kind of tell it’s me from the skin around it showing my face structure!

      How about you? What’s the most bizarre thing you’ve done in science?

