• Question: how long have you worked on carbon energy

    Asked by coxhc02 to Susanna on 14 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Susanna Martin

      Susanna Martin answered on 14 Mar 2013:

      Hi Coxhc02

      I’ve been working on this project since July last year so about 8 months. The project is involves three mini projects which look at ways to improve the electricity network for the future. I don’t actually work on the science of carbon energy, my role is to make sure that when people learn something new it gets written down so that other people can benefit from it. For instance one of the projects is putting solar panels on people’s roofs and then putting batteries into their lofts so they can store the energy. The people can then use an app on a tablet computer (which we provide) to monitor their energy use and see how much power they are saving. If we learn that people don’t understand a kwh but would prefer to see it in terms of how much money they save then that’s something really interesting for future projects, it’s also more mundane things like, we picked this battery because of x,y,z. But by recording all the little decisions and choices when people in the future want to do similar things we can save them time and money. Does that answer your question?
