• Question: Do you consider yourself "smart" or "clever"?

    Asked by totaldestruction to Ben, James, Jen, Michael, Susanna on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      As it turns out when I took an IQ test at university I had a score quite a bit lower than 100 (the average for our population)! BUT I am also studying for a PhD, so I suppose it depends on what you mean by smart or clever. If you’re at school and get straight A’s in science or maths people tend to think you are clever, but being good at these things might mean you’re not so good at musical ability, or sports ability – and some people are exceptionally clever in these areas even though they can’t do maths!

      Personally I think being smart or clever has less to do with success or where you get in life, it’s more about your determination and your effort – if you work hard then you can get anywhere you want to go.

    • Photo: Susanna Martin

      Susanna Martin answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I think if I had to pick i’d go for smart, as in my mind that includes things like having common sense and knowing when to work hard and when to relax. I think being clever is more linked to your intelligence.

      As Jen says you can be skilled/clever/smart in one area but not so much in another, and some people can be super clever but not apply themselves, while others have to work really hard. The important thing is to do what’s best for you and try hard.

    • Photo: Michael Craig

      Michael Craig answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I’m wouldn’t say I’m very smart or clever, I think it’s down to a lot of hard work that has led me to where I am now. I’m still working hard to make sure I get to stay here!
