• Question: let's hear about you, tell me about yourself, what you like and dislike

    Asked by louisebrewah to James, Jen, Susanna on 21 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      Hi Louise!

      Well that’s a very nice question, a little bit easier to answer than some brain questions! 🙂

      I like cats (I’ve always had pet cats since I cant first remember) and I think they make great pets.
      I love baking and cooking really really nice food for no real special occasion, just because it tastes good.
      I like technology, one of my first jobs was working in PC World so I got to play with all the new computers and games and things, I’ve always had the best computers ever since!
      I like science outside of neuroscience, I really like learning about the stars and astrophysics when I can.
      I love word games and puzzles like that, my boyfriend and I play word games together all of the time 🙂

      I dislike those funny mushrooms you find in Chinese takeaway, have you ever had that? They’re really not very nice at all, and I’m really not a fussy eater 🙁
      I don’t like mean people, I’m glad that I work in such a nice place where everyone is happy and kind, and I have friends here who I love spending time with.
      I also dislike not having enough time to talk to you guys sometimes! I’ve tried to make every chat but it’s hard to fit around my work and I really would rather be here answering your questions 😀

      How about you? What about your likes and dislikes? Are any the same as mine?


    • Photo: Susanna Martin

      Susanna Martin answered on 21 Mar 2013:

      Hi Louise!
      Hmm let me see i’m a girl, mid twenties who’s studying for her PhD and also working as a Researcher. I live with my bf in the same area that we both grew up so we spend a lot of time seeing our families and hanging out with friends that we met at school.

      Like Jen i’m a huge lover of technology, I have loads of gadgets and i’m currently teaching myself how to program although it’s not going that well!

      I love to read, although at the moment I have to limit myself with books as otherwise I will read all day and get nothing done!

      I have 6 chickens that I love, although if you’d asked me two years ago i’d have said I didn’t want any pets! I was surprised to like the chickens but i’m glad now that I chose to have them!

      I’m an incredibly fussy eater, it’s impossible to take me out to a restaurante unless it does pizza, and even then the cheese has to be melted just right! I drink tea constantly, and I’m not very good when people are quiet so I will always fill in the gaps with mundane chatter. – My mum likes me to be around when relatives are visiting because I can always keep a conversation going!

      I’m scared of spiders, small spaces and spiral staircases (just being on them, I can look at one but I wont climb it).
