• Question: jen-how does that mind controled skatebored work?

    Asked by 1ejroberts to James, Jen, Susanna on 22 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jen Todd Jones

      Jen Todd Jones answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Hi ej!

      I had a look into this and it turns out it uses the same sort of technology I use in my experiments. It’s called EEG, or electroencephalography (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electroencephalography), this measures brainwaves from your neurons through skull using tiny sensors. On this skateboard those tiny sensors sit over specific parts of the brain and it reads your brainwaves, if you think with the right hand side it will turn the board right and so on. It transmits it’s signals from your head to the board wirelessly like the internet. It’s not quite mind-control yet, but it’s close!

